Our Story

This is a venture by Nature Lovers who conduct camps, treks, outings and Educational Tours which enables you to not only learn about Nature & Wild, but lets you explore and respect the same through adventurous, simple and peaceful bonding wherein you put your mental and physical fitness at its best.
The fitness was taken into the wild by:
Keerthan Prabhu, Darshan Subbaiah and Dinesh Acharya.

Now team is lead by Keerthan Prabhu

Our mission

At our trekking company, our mission is to provide unforgettable experiences in some of the world’s most stunning natural landscapes while promoting sustainable and responsible tourism.

We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to connect with nature and experience the awe-inspiring beauty of the great outdoors. That’s why we strive to create personalized itineraries that cater to a range of abilities and interests, ensuring that each and every one of our clients has a trekking experience that is both safe and unforgettable.




Satisfied Clients





The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, but the trek of a thousand miles begins with a single breath.